Monday, November 29, 2010

7-8 grade

Dear students ,
8th graders- I wish you a safe and wonderful trip in Washington DC .
Please make up whatever you miss by the end of the week:
7th grade -we are going on the same schedule but on Wed we will sing for Chanukkah.
On Friday bring your cellphones for recording a conversation in pairs.
Please hand out ch. 3 questions and sentences.
No quizzes this week.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Moreh David Adar

9-10 grade

Dear students and parents,
After Thanksgiving holiday we get ready for the Mitzva fair as well as going on our Hebrew curriculum..
Please hand out the answers and sentences for ch. 3- Literature.
Get ready to record a Hebrew conversation in pairs tomorrow instead of grammar.
Bring your cellphone with you..
on Wed you will be asked to write news article without using the newspaper.
Thu & Fri Mitzva fair workshop.
No vocabulary test this week.

Thank you forv your cooperation.
Moreh David Adar


11-12 grade

Dear parents and students,
Get ready for the  Hebrew Wax Museum on Friday , Dec the 10th.
11-12 grade students will represent  Jewish personalities from the
20th century who affected the rebirth of Israel state and legitimized
its existence with their heroic deeds.
Please help your child to find the appropriate costume  and model according
to the personality he chose to represent.
You will get an invitation for this event soon.
Thank you for your cooperation
Moreh David

Friday, November 19, 2010

11-12 grade

Dear parents and students,
( a copy from my blogger)

First, I would like to thank the parents who came to meet me at the parents teachers conference last Wednesday .I am sure it was a mutual pleasure to hear  the good news about how your child has been advancing in the Hebrew class as well as sharing with me any important information about your child.

and now to our weekly schedule:

Every Monday the students will be tested on the last week vocabulary-.once about the literature and the other Monday about the news and conversation vocabulary. This Monday we start with the news and  the conversation  vocabulary.

Homework to be handed out:
Mon  & Wed- Literature/when we finish any  chapter- answering the relevant questions and writing sentences.
Tuesday- grammar- from the workbook
Thursday- Israel and world news. - writing news paragraph every other week.
Friday- introduction of the conversation to the school phone or by a small recorder.-once a month as well as in the classroom by pairs.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Shabbat Shalom,
Moreh David Adar

9-10 grade

Dear parents and students,
( a copy from my blogger)

First, I would like to thank the parents who came to meet me at the parents teachers conference last Wednesday .I am sure it was a mutual pleasure to hear  the good news about how your child has been advancing in the Hebrew class as well as sharing with me any important information about your child.

and now to our weekly schedule:

Every Monday the students will be tested on the last week vocabulary-.once about the literature and the other Monday about the news and conversation vocabulary. This Monday we start with the news and  the conversation  vocabulary.

Homework to be handed out:
Mon  & Wed- Literature/when we finish any  chapter- answering the relevant questions and writing sentences.
Tuesday- grammar- from the workbook
Thursday- Israel and world news. - writing news paragraph every other week.
Friday- introduction of the conversation to the school phone or by a small recorder.-once a month as well as in the classroom by pairs.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Shabbat Shalom,
Moreh David Adar

7-8 grade

Dear parents and students,
( a copy from my blogger)

First, I would like to thank the parents who came to meet me at the parents teachers conference last Wednesday .I am sure it was a mutual pleasure to hear  the good news about how your child has been advancing in the Hebrew class as well as sharing with me any important information about your child.

and now to our weekly schedule:

Every Monday the students will be tested on the last week vocabulary-.once about the literature and the other Monday about the news and conversation vocabulary. This Monday we start with the news and  the conversation  vocabulary.

Homework to be handed out:
Mon  & Wed- Literature/when we finish any  chapter- answering the relevant questions and writing sentences.
Tuesday- grammar- from the workbook
Thursday- Israel and world news. - writing news paragraph every other week.
Friday- introduction of the conversation to the school phone or by a small recorder.-once a month as well as in the classroom by pairs.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Shabbat Shalom,
Moreh David Adar