Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7-8 grade

Dear students,
I would like to welcome back the 7th graders who worked very hard for Shakespeare plays
Pleas make up the material you have m/issed
 As to the basketball team, just go on winning the rival teams.
Expect quizzes from Wed till Friday.
Moreh David Adar

11-12 grade

Dear students,
This week we are having the pre  midterm tests in order to give you an idea about the test.
This test will be graded with the teacher in class but the grade will not taken in consideration
in engrade.
The mid term test will take place on January the 18th -19th.
Behatslacha!!! בהצלחה

Moreh David Adar

9-10 grade

Dear students,
This week we are having the pre  midterm tests in order to give you an idea about the test.
This test will be graded with the teacher in class but the grade will not taken in consideration
in engrade.
The mid term test will take place on January the 18th -19th.
Behatslacha!!! בהצלחה

Moreh David Adar