Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7-8 grade

Dear students,
According to your request, Homework will always be checked the other day.
However, grammar is from Tuesday till the other Tuesday as we have different groups.
Moreh David.
no hw in grammar.
Moreh David

1 comment:

  1. Deposito Bunga 2%/Bln Fixed. Jaminan Emas Batangan LM (24 Karat 999,9%) Sertifikat ANTAM. Deposito Bunga 4,5%/Bln Fixed. Bila Emas Palsu Di Ganti 6 x Lipat. Dan Telah Di Beri Sertifikat Oleh MUI.

    David Witansa : 0838 7039 2566
    BB: 222E0F90
    YM : Kyo_asaki
